*Mellie* re-issue
Source : Facebook Michael Lim
*Mellie*, my daughter’s Brompton, was first built in 2017.
The link to the first post is here if anyone is inclined to have a look. It has been 6 years since and some ideas that I have had weren’t available then. Had wanted to use Philwood hubs for the wheels (a match for the Philwood crankset that I have). Philwood has a Brompton front hub available but not a rear. I wrote to Philwood to customize a rear hub for me but they declined. So I went with JK. Had also wanted to use Paul Components Racer Medium brake calipers but then I did not know anyone who could convert a vertical pull mechanism to a horizontal pull one.
While preparing for T-line in 2020 (yes 2 years before its release was announced! ), I managed to obtain a set of PW wheelset with rear hub modified and a pair Paul Racer Medium calipers with an adapter to convert to horizontal pull. However, with the announcement of the T-line in January 2022, I realised I could not do a classic built for the T-line so I kept these components for my daughter’s Brompton.
Finally, I managed to build *Mellie* to my original intent!
Also with introduction of derailleur in P and T-line, now we have third party options to convert the C-line to derailleur which solved the many limitations to build a bike with more than 2 speed (external) with the old pusher system. Managed to do 6 speeds here, 11-13-15-17-18-25T
For *Mellie*, I have been deliberating over which manufacturer’s derailleur/tensioner to use. Finally decided to try Book-Ghost when they announced they were coming out with their own shifter design.
I must say that I quite like the shifter mechanism of Book-Ghost. It is very smooth and light on the up shift, very much like Sram XX1.
Book-Ghost is one of the first two manufacturers that came out with derailleur/tensioner for Brompton. The other being Thx4Ride. I have already used Thx4Ride on my nickel Brompton and T-line.
Once again, a BIG thank you to Lewis Foo of Unique Custom Cycles for helping me in this re-issue.